Saturday, November 12, 2011

Ice Skating Gift Tags

Here's another FREEBIE!
Right click on the picture to save the file.
Use your printer's browser to select the size: full page.
Happy Holidays!
I've been collecting vintage ice skating art work for several years now and have amassed quite a collection - many of the cards are over 100 years old!
I've used a small handful of the artwork in putting together a collection of Vintage-style Ice Skating Ornaments. Each set includes the patterns and the art work. I spent a lot of time making them easy for you to make - really! All of the supplies are fairly inexpensive and easy to come by. Mostly, you just need GLITTER and glue.
To get you started. I've posted a freebie!
You can use it as a cut-out or as a pattern to make up your own.
Have fun!

Note: I have NOT yet figured out how to post links to pdf files where all YOU have to do is double click on them. The above file is actually a photo/jpeg file. Click on your printer's browser and select the size you want to print - 8" x 10" will work best for an ornament, but it can be printed smaller for gift tags.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


Now that competition season is winding down a bit, I'm able to find the time to list a few things on etsy.

Check them out in my shop:  www.etsy/shop/

Ice Skating Ornaments, Set I

Ice Skating Ornaments, Set II

Ice Skating Themed CD/DVD Pattern & Kit

Personalized Ice Skater Stationery & Note Cards

I'll post PIX soon!

I also have lots of FREEBIE Skating crafts planned so check back soon!
